Financial Choices Matter
Welcome to the ”Financial Choices Matter” podcast, hosted by Charles C. Scott, AIF®, CDP®, the Founder and President of Pelleton Capital Management in Scottsdale, Arizona. With over three decades of experience in financial advisory, Charles is dedicated to helping families assemble their financial puzzles. This podcast brings you in-depth guidance on the Five Pillars of Comprehensive Financial Planning: Cash Flow, Risk Management, Tax, Investment, and Estate Planning. Each episode aims to be your ”box top,” providing the clear vision needed to achieve a financial future tailored to your unique goals. Join us as we explore how to prioritize, organize, and seamlessly fit each piece of your financial puzzle into a cohesive whole. Tune in for strategies to maximize assets, minimize taxes, and provide peace of mind for you and your family. Upholding the principles of being fiduciary, independent, and objective, ”Financial Choices Matter” is your trusted resource for practical and profound financial insights. Subscribe and journey with us toward a secure and well-planned future.
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Even Responsible Savers Make Mistakes
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Even for people who have been very responsible with their money over the years, entering retirement canstill be a challenge because it’s such a different stage of life. Let’s talk about some of the missteps thateven responsible savers can make…
Show Notes:
1:16 - In The News: Wedding Loans
3:53 - Even Responsible Savers Make Mistakes
4:24 - Mistake #1: Don't Get Too Enamored With Cash
5:57 - Mistake #2: Don't Take Too Much Risk
7:27 - Mistake #3: Don't Forget About The Tax Time Bomb
9:09 - Mistake #4: Live A Little
11:06 - Mailbag Question from Raymond: "I haven't paid much into Social Security..."
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Busting The Biggest Financial Myths
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Today’s episode is simple. We’ll look at some of the most widely believed financial myths and try to bust them wide open. The scary thing is that a lot of people base their financial plans on some of these myths.
Show Notes:
2:17 Helping clients understand how their financial jigsaw puzzle fits together
5:58 Myth 1: Shifting from stocks to bonds removes the volatility from your portfolio
7:32 Myth 2: Once you've retired, life insurance is no longer necessary
9:12 Myth 3: You will need less income when you retire than you do when you're working
10: 26 Myth 4: You will probably be in a lower tax bracket when you retire
11:43 Myth 5: Financial planning is much easier to do without professional help because of all of the technology that is now available
13:40 Email Question: Investing in oil wells
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Why Are You Making Excuses For Sticking With The Wrong Advisor?
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Very often, we find that people wil stick with a broker or financial advisor who's doing a less than stellar job, and there's usually a handful of reasons why. Charles will poke some holes in those excuses, and give you a healthier picture of what your financial advisor should be doing for you if he or she is truly a good fit. We'll also take a look at some recent news items related to the student loan debt crisis.
Show Notes:
1:45 - In The News: Proposed solutions to student loan debt crisis
5:41 - Why Are You Making Excuses For Sticking With The Wrong Advisor?
7:42 - Common Excuses: "I get confused when there's a meeting."
11:16 - Mailbag Question from Alex: Should I take risk off the table with my 401(k)?
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Why Should You Plan For Retirement With A Sense Of Urgency?
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Some people (in fact, probably most people) find it easy to procrastinate when it comes to financial planning issues. But let’s talk about some scenarios that might cause people to have a bit more sense of urgency.
Show Notes:
1:43 - Mailbag Question from Blair: Why am I not in a lower tax bracket in retirement?
5:45 - Sense of Urgency: Scenario 1 - Loss of a job
7:09 - Sense of Urgency: Scenario 2 - Receiving a retirement buyout offer
8:39 - Sense of Urgency: Scenario 3 - Procrastination in planning for retirement
11:20 - Sense of Urgency: Scenario 4 - Death of a spouse
13:07 - Sense of Urgency: Scenario 5 - Market takes a dip
15:07 - Charles makes an important announcement about financial education
17:25 - Getting to know Charles - What area is Charles an expert in outside the financial world?
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Exposing 401(k) Weaknesses
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Your 401k can be your most powerful retirement savings tool. But it’s not perfect. Let’s talk about some of the weaknesses that you should be aware of in your 401k (or 403b, or TSP, or 457 plan).
Show Notes:
1:24 - News headline about the SECURE Act
4:33 - Exposing 401(k) weaknesses
7:43 - Charles shares a tip on moving 401(k) plans outside your company
10:36 - Mailbag Question from Angie: Are all long-term care policies this expensive?
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Are Tax Advantages Overrated?
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Of course, saving money on taxes is important. But when tax advantages are being pitched as the primary benefit of an investment, should we be concerned? Charles will help us tackle the pros and cons on this week's episode. We'll also answer a question from Roberta about investing a large amount of her 401k in company stock.
Show Notes:
2:00 - Mailbag question from Roberta: Is it okay to have a majority of my 401k in company stock since I know the company well?
7:14 - Are tax advantages in investments overrated?
13:06 - Getting to know Charles: Did you ever get into any trouble when you were younger?
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
“Fake News” Impacting Your Finances
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
The term “fake news” has become synonymous with the political climate of the past few years. But the phenomenon has spread to other parts of our culture as well. What about fake news in the financial space? We’ll look at some recent news headlines to see if they qualify to be labeled as “fake news”.
Show Notes:
0:28 - Say "Hi" to new co-host, Marc.
2:05 - Quote of the Week from Pablo Picasso.
4:50 - Financial Fake News #1: Social Security is going broke.
8:18 - Financial Fake News #2: The crash of the dollar is imminent, so buy gold now.
10:52 - Mailbag Question from Jim: Is it OK to start Social Security while still working?
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Don’t Utter These Famous Last Words
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Hopefully your famous last words in life won’t be “Hey y’all, watch this!” And in the financial world, there’s quite a few phrases that you don’t want to be your famous last words either…
Thursday May 16, 2019
5 Simple Retirement Questions (That Are Hard To Answer)
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Some of retirement planning’s most important questions seem so simple at first. They can be asked in just 4-5 words and give the impression the answers are a simple “yes” or “no”. But it’s tricky because many of these questions can become overwhelming to answer. Let’s cover some of the important retirement questions that are harder to answer than you might think.
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
What's Bugging Charles
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Charles tackles the impending debt crisis facing college students and their parents.